Can You Use Duraflame Logs In A Wood Stove?
You have patience and be persistent, especially when it’s a wood-burning stove. It may seem easiest to use a Duraflame log to start it. But can you use a Duraflame log in a wood stove?

Duraflame logs are safe to start your fires as they were designed to burn within multiple types of fireplaces. Wood burning stoves are included in the list of fireplaces that have been tested with a Duraflame log.
There are considerations that can make burning a Duraflame log unsafe to start a fire in your fireplace. Continue reading to learn everything you need to know to keep you and your family safe.
Can You Use A Firelog In A Wood Burning Stove?
Yes, you can use a firelog in a wood-burning stove. It is easy and efficient. It helps you ensure that your fire will be lit because it burns slowly over time and will not burn out quickly like paper or other fire starters do.
Wood-burning stoves are not all built similar to each other. Some designs would not be appropriate for using a Duraflame log starter.
Why Can Fire Logs Not Be Used In A Wood Stove?
There are a variety of wood-burning stoves that you should not use a Duraflame fire log. This is due to the chemicals in the log that causes it to burn at hotter temperatures than a fire burning wood.
When your fire gets too hot because of chemicals, it can cause disruption or malfunction of your wood-burning stove. It could damage the structure and make it unsafe for future fires. It could even break the stove and let a fire spread throughout your home.
Duraflames suggest that their logs should not be used in stoves with doors that will affect the airflow. An open-hearth wood-burning stove is the best fireplace type to use their product safely.

Why Are Some Wood Burning Stoves Unsafe?
So why are some of them safe and not others? Well, not only is it because the doors disrupt the airflow for the fire but also because the manufacturers did not test fires using a Duraflame firelog. So they weren’t tested to see they could withstand their heat.
Newer wood stoves with the traditional open hearth design are more likely to be safe. It is best to check your fireplace’s company to see if the firelogs are okay to use. Some will be perfectly fine, but some may still not be safe.
What Should You Not Burn In A Wood Burning Stove?
There are many things you shouldn’t put in your wood stove to burn. It is always safest to just use natural wood. Wood is what the stove was intended for and is the safest route when you don’t know for sure. But if you are curious, here is a list of things you should not burn on your wood stove:
- Woods with paint or varnish.
- Pressure-treated lumber.
- Driftwood.
- Plywood
- Particleboard
- Pressboard
- Greenwood
- Wood floorings of any type.
- Fiberboard
Why Not Boards, Treated Lumber, Or Wood Flooring?
Many of these treated and painted wood, boards, and wood flooring have chemicals within them. These chemicals will increase the burn rate and the level of heat at which your stove was not tested.
If you burn these types of boards and wood, it could damage your stove and make it unsafe for later use. You don’t want the structure to be compromised and increase the chances that a fire will start.
You also increase the chance of any class on the breaking of the doors. When the glass gets too hot, it loses its integrity and can shatter. This can injure you, your family, and any of your pets. You don’t want this happening.

What Is Dangerous About Driftwood?
Driftwood may not be safe because it has been absorbing salt from the sea. When you burn driftwood, it can release a toxin into the air that is dangerous for you to inhale. Salt is also considered corrosive material, and so it can erode your wood stove when released into the air.
Why Not Greenwood?
First, what is ‘greenwood’? Greenwood is freshly cut wood from a living tree. The wood is often considered “green” because it is still living and hasn’t dried out yet. The inside of the wood will be wet or moist.
You can usually tell the difference between greenwood and seasoned wood by their weight. Two pieces with the same width and length will not weigh the same. Greenwood will feel heavier because it has water still in it.
When you burn greenwood, it will not produce any heat, and it will take a while to light it. Even when you light it, you may have trouble keeping the fire going and may get a lot of smoke. The smoke won’t be good for you or your house.
Recommended Firewood Reading:
The Ultimate Guide to Firewood: Types, Preparation, and Storage
Are Duraflame Logs Safe For Chimneys?
Duraflame logs are safe for almost all types of fireplaces and chimneys, especially those with a traditional open concept. If you have a door that blocks the airflow, you may want to reconsider using these logs.
The reason for this is the level of heat the logs will give off. If you have a glass door that obstructs the airflow, the glass will get hot and shatter. It becomes a safety risk. But if you can leave the door open or don’t have a door, you should be able to use one of these logs.
Always look at the manufacturers for their suggestions for a Duraflame log. Your manufacturer should be able to tell you if it can withstand the heat of this product. If it has never been tested, it may not be the safest route to starting your fire.
It is always best to take the safest route before insinuating that your fireplace can withstand the heat of the Duraflame log. Your fireplace may seem intact, but the degradation will be more apparent and more dangerous over time. Safety should always be first.