How Many Acres Should You Buy For Hunting? 1-500 Acre Hunting Parcels
Land size is one of the crucial factors to consider when it comes to hunting. So, how many acres are suitable for hunting land?
The ideal acreage of land for hunting are 1, 7, 10, 30, and 500 acre parcels. Typically, wild animals such as deer, which are very fast, will require a large piece of hunting land, while slow animals, such as wild turkeys, ducks, and geese, require a small piece of land for hunting.
If you’re a committed hunter and spend most of the hunting season in the woods, you’ve probably considered purchasing your hunting property.
Possessing your hunting land can have several advantages for hunters genuinely committed to the sport, and with your hunting land, you have complete control over its use and are free from interference from others.
In short, you will have a lot of liberty regarding what you want to do, and you will not face restrictions that your peers will face.
While there are many benefits to buying private hunting land, it does take some effort to select the perfect property.
This is a decision that you must make right in order to avoid making a wasteful investment.
One of the most significant concerns people have when buying hunting land is knowing just how much acreage they require to be able to hunt.
When you visit your preferred public hunting land, you don’t have to worry about this, but it can significantly impact the kinds of land you can purchase.

How many Acres are suitable for Hunting Land?
As we had earlier discussed, the size of the hunting land depends on various factors such as the distribution and population of the wild animals, the kind of wild animals to hunt, and the regulations for that particular area.
Typically, most individuals buy 1, 7, 10, 30, or 500 acres of hunting land.
Therefore, when buying hunting land, consider how much area and private space you want to have and whether you will require other hunters.
You might want to go hunting with friends or family or welcome other hunters to your private hunting land and charge them a nominal fee to cover costs. If you are the owner of a company, you might consider giving your employees treats by hosting them for hunting.
With that in mind, the following are the sizes of hunting land commonly bought and the ideal wild animals to hunt:
1 Acre Hunting Land
A 1-acre hunting land provides the least amount of land you can use in most states in the US.
With this land size, you will only be limited to hunting wild animals that don’t move or fly that much.
A good example is the quails since they do not migrate often, and in such cases, a small land will do for your hunting adventure.
According to Natural Resources experts, quails can have a population density of up to 1 to 2 birds per acre, with 1 bird every 1 to 2 acres considered to be a sustainable level.
Therefore, quails are manageable and easier to hunt in a 1 acre of hunting land. You can also hunt ducks and geese since they also move less frequently.
The only restriction is that some states in the US do not allow hunters to use their rifles if the hunting land is less than 10 acres.
7 Acres Hunting Land
Regarding 7-acre hunting, the land is suitable for hunting wild turkeys and hogs. if you own a private hunting land, you should provide an ideal environment for turkeys and hogs to manage the hunting land.
For instance, turkeys require an open field combined with woods and a water source, while hogs require certain plants to eat.
If you have a rifle hunting permit, it is advisable to ensure that the direction you are shooting at is clear and the shot is accurately aimed to avoid stray bullets that could cause injury to a non-target.
10 Acres Hunting Land
With a 10-acre land, you can hunt bigger animals such as deer, bucks and antelopes, among other related wild animals, if the land is privately owned.
Most regions allow you to use guns and bows when the ground is at least 10 acres; therefore, it becomes easier and more fun to hunt bigger animals.
However, when it comes to 10-acre public hunting land, there is a more cautious law when using rifles because there are other hunters. You do not want to hurt other hunters because that will lead to harsh and expensive legal consequences.

30 Acres Hunting Land
Whether you are leasing, buying private land, or going to hunt on a 30-acre hunt, the size provides enough space to use riffles and other dangerous weapons for hunting.
With 30 acres, you can hunt alligators, crocodiles, deer, bucks and warthogs, among others.
If you own a private hunting land, providing the needed resources to the wild animals you wish to hunt is advisable, as we had earlier discussed.
500 Acres Hunting Land
The 500-acre piece of hunting land is suitable for hunting every wild animal as long as the responsible authority gives permission.
For instance, if you want to hunt for birds, you must purchase a bird validation certificate which permits you to shoot doves and other migratory bird species to expand your opportunities in bird hunting.
For each large game species, such as bear, warthog, deer, and buck, you will also need special permission, known as a tag.
Additionally, you will require authorization for the weapons you use and an instruction course if you intend to hunt big game with an arrow or a muzzleloader.
Factors Influencing the Size of Hunting Land
If you aim to hunt for small wild animals that don’t often migrate or run slowly, you can buy a reasonably small acreage of land.
However, regarding hunting big wild animals such as bears, elks and bucks, among other wild animals, it is advisable to buy, lease or attend a large hunting land.
Additionally, if you intend to hunt wild animals by yourself, you will only require a small piece of land, while if you’d like to invite friends or other hunters, you may need a large hunting land.
If you consider buying private hunting land, the size will depend on your budget. While you may want to spend little money on buying a piece of hunting land, you still want to ensure that you have sufficient hunting land to use.
The cost of hunting lands will defer from place to place depending on the rate of development and accessibility to infrastructure, among other factors. In such endeavors, cheaper land is only available in very remote areas.
Being a hunter, you should not shy away from such challenges.
The location is a crucial factor to consider before buying a certain acreage of land.
If, for instance, you wish to purchase land close to other hunting lands, it would be advisable to buy a large piece of hunting land because of the competition with the other.
If you plan to buy hunting land for leasing, ensure that the area is close to medical facilities, retail establishments, and other conveniences.
Additionally, the ground needs abundant resources to avoid the animals you are interested in migrating to other hunting lands.
If there is less or no hunting land nearby, then a reasonable size of hunting land will be successful.
Land Quality
Regarding land quality, most individuals want to hunt land with all the favorable resources to attract wild animals.
If the ground does not have resources such as water, trees and plants, they will either buy a small size and develop it or look for another piece of land.
In contrast, if the land has abundant resources, most individuals buy a large portion of hunting land.
Benefits of Owning a sizeable Private Hunting Land

Many hunters prefer to buy their private hunting land due to the pressure and restrictions on public hunting land.
In the US, the standard size of hunting land that allows you to hunt both small and big wild animals is about 30 to 50 acres.
The following are some of the benefits of owning a sizeable private hunting land:
Income Generation
Owning your hunting property is a great way to make money since you can charge other hunters to use your hunting grounds.
It is the ideal approach to earning money while engaging in what you enjoy. Additionally, you can make money to pay your land taxes by allowing other hunters to hunt on your property.
The only challenge is that the owner is held accountable if anything happens to the hunters and will compensate them if they follow the regulations set.
Nevertheless, hunting land could generate income with little work and careful management.
All year Round Hunting
Hunting in public lands has some limitations on the hunter by the authorities involved. However, owning your private hunting grounds allows you to hunt all year.
You can continue to have complete independence from authority and make all hunting-related decisions.
You can also construct a hunter’s lodge to provide refuge during hunting trips and cultivate various vegetation types if you retain the right to make decisions.
Therefore, with a private hunting land, you can choose how frequently you want to go hunting and not worry about the hunting season ends.
Key Takeaways
- There are different sizes of hunting land available
- Typically, the standard hunting land owned privately by individuals is 30 to 50 acres
- Hunting lands can be profitable just as farmlands
- Hunting lands are categorized into public and private hunting lands
- It would be best if you acquired a permit for each wild animal you wish to hunt from the responsible authority