Power Off Grid: The 5 Best Solar Generators for Off Grid Living

Are you searching for a solar generator for off-grid living? You’ve come to the right place. Here are the 5 best solar generators for off-grid living.


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What’s The Best Off-Grid Solar Generator?

The best solar generators for off-grid living are Eco Flow Delta Max 2000, Jackery Explorer 1000, Eco Flow River Pro Portable 720W, Goal Zero Yeti 1500X and Maxoak Bluetti EB240. You can choose any of these generators depending on your power needs.

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Key Takeaways

  • You will need a source of power when you are living off the grid
  • Solar generators are the most reliable source of power for off-grid living
  • There are numerous types and sizes of solar generators out there
  • You should choose a solar generator based on your energy consumption


Living off the grid can be a liberating experience, providing you with a unique opportunity to connect with nature, live sustainably, and master survival skills. It’s a chance to quit expensive habits and enjoy the serenity of a quiet life, far removed from the noisy, chaotic urban centers. However, opting for an off-grid lifestyle does not mean giving up basic conveniences such as electricity, which is essential for powering your cooking appliances, refrigerator, and communication devices like your phone or laptop.

One effective solution for electricity while living off the grid is the use of solar generators. This guide aims to shed light on what solar generators are, and explore the best options available for those embracing the off-grid lifestyle. We will also provide crucial tips on selecting the right solar generator to meet your needs.

About Solar Generators

Simply put, solar generators are devices that convert solar energy into electric power. They essentially function as a large battery pack equipped with an AC/DC inverter, capable of supplying both 12-volt and 110-volt power. While they are often called generators, they are technically power stations; the solar panels generate the power, which is then stored in the battery pack for later use.

Solar generators are more than just an alternative to traditional power sources; they are a cornerstone of sustainable living off the grid. They convert ample sunlight into watt-hours of electricity, ensuring that you remain powered without needing to rely on petrol or diesel—commonly used in conventional generators. This means no more trips back to civilization to refuel, and more importantly, solar generators operate quietly, without the disruptive noise associated with gas-powered generators.

Advantages of Solar Generators for Off-Grid Living

  • Reliable Power Supply: Regardless of weather conditions, you have a consistent and reliable backup power supply.
  • Sustainability: Solar generators use renewable energy, reducing your carbon footprint and supporting a sustainable off-grid setup.
  • Quiet Operation: Unlike traditional generators that run on propane or natural gas, solar generators operate quietly, only activating cooling fans when drawing high power.

Choosing the Right Solar Generator

When selecting a solar generator, consider the following factors to ensure it meets your off-grid needs:

  • Watt-Hours/WH: Check the capacity of the solar generator to ensure it meets your energy requirements.
  • Solar Input: Understand the maximum solar input to gauge how quickly the generator can be recharged during sunny conditions.
  • Charge Cycles: Assess how many charge cycles the solar generator can handle before battery efficiency begins to decline.
  • Output Ports: Ensure it has enough USB-C ports and other outputs to connect all your devices.
  • Pure Sine Wave Inverter: This feature is crucial for running sensitive electronic devices safely.

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The 5 Best Solar Generators for Off Grid Living

EcoFlow Delta Max 2000

The EcoFlow Delta Max 2000 stands out as a robust, high-capacity portable power station designed for the off-grid lifestyle. It is powerful enough to support a wide range of electronics such as laptops, smartphones, refrigerators, and even pellet grills.


EcoFlow has equipped the Delta Max 2000 with a user-friendly, bright LCD display. This feature acts as a visual battery meter, enabling you to monitor the power output and charge time, ensuring you’re always aware of your energy consumption. It also displays the remaining battery life, allowing for precise management of your resources.

The unit boasts a variety of USB ports—four USB-Type A ports, including two quick-charging and two standard, along with two additional USB-Type C ports. Furthermore, it features six 3-prong AC outlets and several DC charging plugs, all with individual control switches. This allows for efficient power management by shutting off unused ports, thereby minimizing power loss.

With a battery capacity of approximately 2,000Wh, the Delta Max 2000 is among the top in its market segment. It can provide roughly 200 smartphone charges, up to 50 laptop charges, and power a full-sized refrigerator for about 15 hours. It even supports running a small heater for approximately 20 minutes.

Charging Options

The Delta Max 2000 offers multiple charging options. It can be charged via car, solar power system, or AC. Although EcoFlow recommends their own solar panels, the system is compatible with any panel that uses MCF adapters, enhancing its versatility in the wilderness.

Pros and Cons

  • Sufficient power for robust off-grid needs
  • Versatile charging capabilities
  • Comprehensive display for monitoring consumption
  • Expandable battery
  • Relatively heavy and bulky
  • Pricier compared to others in the market


The EcoFlow Delta Max 2000 is an excellent choice for those committed to an off-grid setup. Its high capacity and diverse charging options ensure that all your electronic needs are met, even in remote locations. Though it may come at a higher cost, its performance and features justify the investment.

Jackery Explorer 1000


Renowned for its reliability and durability, Jackery continues to impress with the Explorer 1000, a solar generator that balances portability with powerful performance.


The Explorer 1000 is equipped with a 1000 watt power rating and a surge capacity of about 2000 watts. It features a high-quality lithium iron phosphate battery with a capacity of 1002Wh, ensuring long-lasting power.

Despite its powerful specs, the Explorer 1000 remains surprisingly portable, weighing only about 22 pounds and equipped with a practical carrying handle. It includes 2 USB type-C ports, 3 standard AC outlets, 2 USB type-A ports, and a 12-volt car outlet, offering extensive connectivity for various devices and gear.

Jackery states that this model can run a standard electric grill for 50 minutes, charge a laptop eight times, or keep a mini refrigerator running for about 17 hours on a full charge.

Charging and Display

Similar to other models, the Explorer 1000 can be charged using standard solar panels, a vehicle’s 12-volt outlet, or an AC outlet. It takes approximately 7 hours to recharge using solar panels and about 12 hours with a vehicle’s outlet. The front-mounted LCD display shows the battery percentage and power input, making it easy to monitor your energy usage and manage your power outage situations effectively.

Pros and Cons

  • Ample power for various needs
  • Lightweight and highly portable
  • Diverse charging ports for multiple devices
  • Slightly expensive


The Jackery Explorer 1000 is an ideal solar generator for outdoor enthusiasts who need a reliable, powerful, yet portable solution for their off-grid adventures. While it is priced on the higher end, its performance and versatility make it a worthwhile investment for sustained off-grid living.

EcoFlow River Pro Portable 720W


EcoFlow continues to innovate with its EcoFlow River Pro Portable solar generator, designed to strike the perfect balance between portability and power. This model is ideal for those who seek to maintain modern conveniences while exploring the wilderness.

Features and Design

The River Pro Portable is equipped with three AC outlets, capable of powering devices such as coffee makers, electric frying pans, and even TV sets. Additionally, it includes two USB-Type A ports, a fast-charge USB outlet, and one USB-Type C port, alongside two 12-volt outlets and a cigarette lighter, offering extensive versatility in charging different devices.

One of its most notable features is its fast charging capability. The River Pro can charge from 0% to 80% in just 60 minutes when connected to mains power, ranking it among the fastest in the industry. For off-grid charging, it can be powered using solar panels or a car battery, with a full charge taking between four to eight hours using two 110-watt panels, or six to 12 hours with a single 160-watt panel.

EcoFlow also offers the option to expand the power capacity with a second battery, effectively doubling the power supply for extended outdoor adventures. The durability of each battery supports approximately 800 cycles at 80% capacity.

Pros and Cons

  • Long-lasting power
  • Capability to power numerous devices
  • Supports an extra battery
  • Good size-to-weight ratio
  • Lacks handles, which might make transportation a bit cumbersome


With its capability to charge multiple devices, long-lasting power, and high-quality construction, the EcoFlow River Pro Portable is highly regarded among off-grid living enthusiasts. It offers a reliable power solution that is both powerful and portable.

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Goal Zero Yeti 1500X


For those who spend extended periods in the wild, the Goal Zero Yeti 1500X portable power station offers a reliable and substantial power source to keep all your devices operational.


The Yeti 1500X is equipped with a lithium-ion battery rated at approximately 1,516 watt-hours, ensuring you have enough power to keep your devices running in remote locations. It can keep a portable fridge running for 61 hours, recharge a laptop about 30 times, and power a smartphone up to 127 times.

A standout feature is its 2,000-watt pure sine wave AC converter, which allows you to safely charge and operate high-power appliances such as circular saws and hair dryers as if they were plugged into a wall outlet. It also includes two USB type-C ports, two USB type-A ports, two 12-volt outlets, and a 12-volt car port, further enhancing its versatility.

The Yeti 1500X offers various charging options, including an AC wall outlet, a car charger, or solar panels. It features an LCD display and a Wi-Fi app for easy monitoring and control of power consumption.

Pros and Cons

  • Extremely high wattage for robust power needs
  • Rugged design suitable for outdoor use
  • Plenty of connection options
  • Expandable storage capacity
  • Quite heavy, although dual handles aid in transportation


The Goal Zero Yeti 1500X is an exceptional choice for anyone requiring a dependable and powerful solar power station for off-grid living. Its high capacity and robust design make it one of the most powerful options on the market, ideal for those who refuse to compromise on their power needs while away from conventional power sources.

Bluetti EB240


Maxoak continues to uphold its reputation with the Bluetti EB240, a high-quality, dependable, and portable power station that stands out for its versatility and robustness. This model is particularly popular among outdoor enthusiasts.


The Bluetti EB240 is a compact and stylish solar generator equipped with a large handle, making it easy to transport. Despite its small size, it houses a 2,400Wh battery capable of running a mid-sized refrigerator for about 10 hours and supporting various high-power appliances.

It features multiple outlets, including a 12-volt DC outlet, four USB type-A ports, one fast-charge USB type-C port, and two AC ports suitable for powering refrigerators or power tools. Maxoak offers several charging options for the Bluetti EB240: it can be charged via a standard wall outlet, car, or solar panels, providing flexibility for use in remote locations.

Display and Battery Features

The unit includes an LCD display for easy monitoring of the battery’s remaining charge. Users can also toggle the DC and AC outlets on or off to conserve power, an especially useful feature during emergencies. The Bluetti EB240 is powered by an LG Lithium NCM battery, renowned for its longevity, with an average lifespan of approximately 2,500 cycles.

Safety Features

The Bluetti EB240 is designed with advanced safety features, including a battery management system that prevents overcharging and overheating. This system ensures the unit’s safety and longevity, while the specially designed electric outlets prevent short circuits and overloads.

Pros and Cons

  • Ample power storage capacity
  • Multiple charging options and ports
  • Durable, long-lasting battery
  • Comprehensive safety mechanisms
  • The unit is somewhat heavy and bulky


The Bluetti EB240 is an excellent choice for those living off the grid, providing substantial power storage and the ability to charge multiple devices. Its ability to be recharged via solar panels ensures that you will always have power available, even in the most remote locations. This solar generator is an ideal blend of functionality and safety, catering to all your power needs while exploring the outdoors.

What Size of Solar Generator Should You Buy?

Choosing the right size solar generator is crucial for ensuring that you have sufficient power for your needs while living off the grid. Solar generators vary in capacity, typically ranging from 160Wh to 2,000Wh, though there are models both smaller and larger than this range.

Determining Your Needs

The size of the solar generator you should choose depends heavily on the types of devices you intend to power. If your needs are relatively minimal—such as charging small devices like laptops, smartphones, and lights—a smaller generator in the range of 160Wh to 500Wh might be perfectly adequate.

However, if you plan to power larger appliances such as refrigerators, TVs, or kitchen devices like blenders, toasters, and even heaters, you’ll require a more robust generator, potentially around 1,500Wh or higher.

Calculating Power Requirements

To accurately determine which size generator is best for you, it’s helpful to make a detailed list of all the gadgets and appliances you anticipate using. For each item, note its average power consumption, typically listed in watts or watt-hours. This will help you calculate your total power needs. Here’s how you can approach this:

  1. List Your Devices: Write down each device you plan to use while off-grid.
  2. Check Power Ratings: Look up the power consumption for each device, usually found in the manual or online product description.
  3. Calculate Total Consumption: Add up the power requirements of all your devices to determine your total power needs.

Using Manufacturer Information

Another practical approach is to consult the product pages of solar generators you are considering. Manufacturers often provide details about how many times a generator can charge various devices. This information can be particularly helpful as it translates the technical specifications into practical, understandable metrics.

For example, if a generator states it can charge a smartphone 100 times, a laptop 20 times, and run a mini-fridge for 24 hours, you can gauge whether it meets your specific needs based on how frequently you use these devices.


Selecting the right size solar generator is about balancing your power needs with the generator’s capacity. It’s better to overestimate slightly to ensure you don’t run short of power, especially during cloudy days when solar charging might be less efficient. This thoughtful approach will help you enjoy a seamless off-grid experience, ensuring all your essential devices remain powered without interruption.

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