8 Steps To Put Out A Chimney Fire Quickly And Safely
A chimney fire is a dangerous thing to experience. So, how do you put out a chimney fire? This comprehensive guide has the answers.

How do you put out a chimney fire?
The best way of putting out a chimney fire is to get everyone out of the home, keep everyone calm, and call the firefighters. Before the firefighters arrive, you can control fire damage by controlling the chimney box. Having a chimney extinguisher at home is indispensable.
How to Put Out a Chimney Fire

It has been said that fire is a good servant but a bad master. Indeed, there’s so much you can accomplish with fire such as keeping you warm during the winter season.
However, fire can cause serious damage if left uncontrolled.
Sometimes, it only takes a fire accident and people end up losing so much property and, in serious cases, even loss of lives.
Chimney fires are among the most dangerous fires that households should be very careful about.
In extreme cases, you may find yourself facing a lawsuit due to neglect on how you use fire.
For this reason, it is imperative to know how to deal with it to avoid damage to property and even injuries to your family.
In this article, we shall discuss the action steps you should take in the event of a chimney fire at your home.
Ensure that Everybody Gets Out
Once you notice that you’re dealing with a chimney fire, the number one safety requirement is to ensure that everybody is out of the house as quickly as possible.
Let everyone know what is happening and instruct them to get out. All pets should go outside as well.
Don’t panic or talk in a way that makes the people in the house panic. This could make things worse especially if you’re a good number in the house and the exit points are few.
Try to calm everyone down, particularly the children and let them go out to a safe meeting place.
The meeting place should be as far from the house as possible to ensure that everybody is safe.
As the people in the house go to a safe place outside, close the doors to reduce the level of oxygen to prevent the fire from spreading further. Anything that fuels more fire in the chimney should be inhibited.

Inform Firefighters
At this point, it is imperative to inform firefighters about the incidence. Chimney fires can be difficult to contain, depending on how fast they’re spreading and one’s ability to contain them safely.
Don’t assume that everything will be fine in a moment. You would rather be safe than sorry.
Firefighters are professionally trained for such situations, so make sure you inform them as soon as possible.
Houses have been burned down and people injured for lack of calling firefighters to a fire scene.
So, as you take the necessary steps to contain the chimney fire, let the authorities know what is happening.
Turn your Attention to the Chimney Firebox
As you know, fires can cause a lot of damage, so you can’t just stand there and watch as the chimney fire spreads.
Before the firefighters come, you should take the necessary action to keep your household safe and prevent property damage.
Therefore, at this point, turn your attention to the chimney firebox. The firebox is where the burning takes place.
After making sure that everyone is out of the house, the next thing you should do is to close all openings in the fireplace.
By doing this, you’ll be reducing the level of oxygen that gets to the fire. Oxygen gives fire the impetus to continue spreading. So, if you can prevent it from spreading, you’ll be doing the right thing.
Afterwards, take an extinguisher and use it to extinguish the fire flames in the firebox.
If an extinguisher isn’t available, you can use the following to prevent the flames from spreading: sand, salt, or baking soda.
These items will make sure that there is no extra oxygen fuelling the flames.
Dampen the Chimney with a Hose
Once you establish that the fire isn’t a threat in the grate, it’s important to go outside and use a hose to dampen the chimney.
As you spray the chimney, be gentle to avoid damaging the chimney’s interior.

Get Rid of Debris and Ashes
After ensuring that you’ve contained the fire to a significant degree, get rid of debris and ashes. Hose the debris down to make sure that there is no possibility of danger.
You don’t want to start putting out another fire.
Make Use of a Chimney Extinguisher
Go back inside the house and make use of a chimney extinguisher. This is a product made specifically for extinguishing chimney fires.
All you need to do is to throw it into the fireplace and it will put out the fire. The chimney extinguisher works by discharging fire suppressants. It is these suppressants that help to put out the fire.
Be Alert
Even after taking all the above steps to ensure that you put out the chimney fire, you can’t afford to let your guard down.
You should be very alert to respond to any flare up. Make sure your extinguisher and fire suppressants are within reach to use them in the event of a flare up.
Allow the Firefighters to Assess the Situation Further
When firefighters arrive at the scene, allow them to assess the situation further. As trained professionals, they know how to put out fires effectively and keep everyone safe.
You have done a great job of containing the chimney fire, but let the professionals confirm that everything is fine.
You can also get a few tips and advice on how to prevent a chimney fire and how to handle it better in case it happens again.
For instance, they can advise you on the importance of routine chimney inspection and regular cleaning of the same.
Tips on How to Prevent Chimney Fires
Now that you’ve learned what you need to do to put out a chimney fire, it’s good to learn a few tips on how to prevent it from happening.
It’s better to prevent a fire than putting it out. You would rather take action to prevent a chimney fire than deal with a fire that may end up affecting you dearly.
One of the most effective steps to take to prevent chimney fires is to conduct regular maintenance of your chimney.
For you to put chimney fire risks at bay, make sure that a certified professional inspects your chimney at least once every year.
During the winter, many homes benefit from the services of the fireplace on a regular basis.
This means that you should have a professional checking your chimney to avert the risk of a chimney fire. Apart from the regular maintenance of a professional, you also have a part to play to ensure you reduce the risk of a chimney fire.
Follow these guidelines to maintain a high level of chimney safety.
To begin with, make sure you use well-seasoned wood to reduce the accumulation of soot and smoke on your chimney.
The use of green wood is not only bad for your health, but also for your chimney. You increase the possibility of a chimney fire by allowing soot and smoke to accumulate on the chimney area.
Moreover, consider the amount of fire you burn. If possible, burn smaller fires as this will help you reduce the build-up of creosote in the chimney.
Large fires increase the rate at which creosote builds up so avoid them whenever possible. Also, ensure that the damper remains fully open to maintain an adequate air supply.
Something else you should do is to avoid burning items such as plastic, fabric, rubber, and paper in the fireplace. Lastly, get an upgraded liner for your chimney. It will protect your chimney from catching fire.
Key Takeaways
- A chimney fire can be dangerous if not handled in the right way.
- There are action steps you can take in case there’s a chimney fire in your home.
- The first thing to do is to get everyone out of the house for safety reasons a
- Next, put out the fire in the firebox and dampen the chimney with a hose.
- Next, get rid of debris and ashes, use a chimney extinguisher, and be alert